Debunking five myths about coaching and why you should sign up for our program

My past has a lot of misinformation about therapy, coaching, and their true value. I come from a culture that sees the need for therapy as an ailment one cures with a good spiritual encounter.

Looking back, it's not that my elders did not believe in the benefits of talking as a method of self-betterment. However, they were more concerned with the omnipotence of faith to heal the mind or any other aspect of the soul in need of nourishing. Perhaps the most alarming thing about this view was that it was also perfectly fine to not acknowledge the need for therapy altogether.

Despite my upbringing, it didn't take much for me to realize that therapy, coaching, or the pursuit of one's personal development was faith in action. It's faith in a better version of yourself, and the regular practice of therapy and coaching can help you attain it.

Like me, I know others had similar experiences relating to therapy and coaching growing up. It is one of the reasons I am so passionate about using this powerful tool to help others self-actualize and live their best lives. With that in mind, I'd like to tackle some of the biggest myths we've heard about seeking coaching and the truth behind them.

1. Coaching is only for people who need serious help 

Fact: Coaching is for anyone who wants to improve in a specific area of their life (which is just about everyone)

There is a huge advantage in getting coaching before you absolutely need it. If you seek out coaching when you've identified a goal you want to achieve, but realize that it's difficult to do it alone, you have a much better chance for success in a shorter time.

This is also the best time for coaching as you're mentally prepared to succeed. At this point, you are feeling motivated as opposed to the mental fatigue you'll feel trying to push through it on your own.

2. You already have all the answers, so you don't need help

Fact: Having the right answers and putting them in action are two different things. Coaches help with the latteR

Even with an abundance of information available, it's still difficult for people to accomplish certain goals. Why? Because knowing how to do it and doing it are two different things. Coaching helps with the doing. Not only do you have someone motivating you every step of the way, but they also know your challenges and circumstances, and can help you visualize and follow through on your action steps.

3. Coaching takes a long time

Fact: Coaching time varies drastically based on your goals and how quickly you want to achieve them

It could take you a few weeks of coaching to create the perfect organizational system for your home. Or, it could take you two years of coaching to transform your business from a startup to a full-fledged company, since you're focused on client work and running the business.

How long coaching will take depends on your current status, your specific goal, and the obstacles you'll have to face to get there. However long it takes, it will always be worth it when you've crushed that goal in the end.

4. Coaching is a technique you can apply on your own

Fact: Accountability matters. Having someone who knows what they're doing to keep you on track means not having to rely on sheer willpower

Doing it on your own is great, if you can swing it. However, most of us don't have the willpower to achieve big goals without accountability and support. It's not a weakness; it's just science.

A coach is the accountability partner you need to push you through times when you have lost the energy to resist bad habits, and feel like giving up. A coach's expertise and understanding of your experience can help you in ways that even family and well-meaning friends can't.

5. You are fine just the way you are 

Fact: You're awesome the way you are, but you can also get better - and that's something worth chasing!

You should strive to be happy with exactly who you are. However, being happy and accepting who you are doesn't mean you can't also create stretch goals for yourself. Striving for improvement doesn't mean you aren't good enough; it just means you're getting an exciting upgrade!

It's time to dismiss the age-old taboos around coaching and therapy. Whatever you've struggled to achieve, or abandoned in fear, is still attainable. Most importantly, having faith in yourself and your abilities means doing what it takes to make your life the best it can be.

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Coaching is not that you don't know enough; it’s that you know enough to get support - OC

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