Are you getting these three things out of your conversations?

A conversation is such a natural occurrence we all assume we are doing it right. And perhaps some of us are.

But are you getting value out of your conversations? Do they leave you inspired and full of perspective? If you are unsure about the answer to these questions, then you may be missing these three key things from your time talking with others:

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Olecia Christie
Before you get excited about a new decade — think on these things

It's the final week of 2019. What an incredible year this has been. This year I pushed myself in ways I didn't know I could. It was exciting, rewarding, and downright scary. Yet here I am with no regrets.

Our goals should not pull us down. They should not make us feel unworthy. Instead, they should inspire and lift us to a higher place than the present. So before you start goal setting in 2019, ask yourself the following questions:

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Olecia Christie
Coaching with HuffPost

When the HuffPost asked if I would like to offer coaching advice on dealing with family drama during the holidays, I thought I had simply said, "Yes," but it turns out I actually said, "Oh, heck yes." Thankfully the editor on the other end of my exuberance had made a few of these requests before and was no stranger to this reaction.

Read more to hear all the tips I shared with the HuffPost

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Olecia Christie
Looking ahead

We are 57 days away from the start of a new decade.

Let's commit to learning and unlearning in ways that serve our growth and development. ⁣

Here are three simple ways we can do that⁣:

1. Be intentional with our time. A true understanding of our time value forces us to limit its use to meaningful activity. How are you spending your time? ⁣

2. Seek opportunities for growth. Growth only comes to those who do it — grow. Actively seeking out opportunities for self-betterment is an act of growth. ⁣

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Olecia Christie
Inside San Antonio Startup Week

Last week San Antonio Startup week took the city by storm.

With over 100 events designed for entrepreneurs and business professionals, the event brought a unique vibe to an otherwise ordinary week in San Antonio. Organized entirely by volunteers, the mission of San Antonio Startup week is to bring the community together through educational panels, actionable workshops, and city-building events.

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Olecia Christie
Reflect and chill?

2020 is 70 days, 14 hours, 55 minutes (ok, you get the point) away, and like a true romantic, I am nostalgic about the days behind me and hopeful for the ones that lie ahead.

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Olecia Christie
To the Bahamas with love

"The smell of death is everywhere." 

It wasn't long before we all knew Dorian was a real and dangerous threat. Still, we weren't quite prepared for the impact it would have on the Bahamas. As a fellow islander, we take hurricane warnings seriously, but with a healthy balance of "we will survive." Unfortunately, thousands of Bahamians did not survive. 

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Olecia ChristieComment
Shanghais and lows

Everybody enjoys a trip overseas to a faraway exotic country, right? Well, how about we call a maybe on this one? Here's a story, not half as long as my flight, about my refreshingly unique experience in Shanghai.

Shang we?

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Olecia ChristieComment
Good Reads

I have always been an avid reader. Books were my first mode of travel. They took me to neighboring Caribbean islands with the likes of the treasured Bildungsroman, "Annie John," and carried me through the dangerous terrains of Afghanistan and Pakistan through the eyes of Amir in the "Kite Runner."

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Olecia Christie Comment
Self-caring for success

"Olecia, I feel stuck,” a friend of mine once told me. I saw a familiar, relatable pain across her face. The truth is, I had been there before, and there was no guarantee I wouldn't get there again.

I thought of all the things I could tell her but opted to listen instead. I asked one question; “how will you get unstuck?"

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Olecia Christie